2014 Employee Award Winners – Wednesday, May 14, 2014
May 19, 2014
Contact: Amanda Le-Roy, Marketing & Business Development Manager
(337) 769-4194 or aleroy@lafayettesurgical.com
LAFAYETTE, La. –Lafayette Surgical Specialty Hospital (LSSH) announced the winners of their 2014 employee awards during a pirate-themed celebration last week. The Carrie Judice Nurse of the Year was awarded to Andrea Ozene, RN and Jayne Dronet was named Employee of the Year. LSSH employees nominate their peers for the two awards and a committee composed of employees and executive team members carefully select the winners.
The annual employee awards are a small way to recognize employees who work above and beyond the call of duty to deliver exceptional patient care. Winners exceed the high standards all LSSH employees practice on a daily basis. They facilitate interdepartmental teamwork, go beyond the expectations of their job functions, share their knowledge and experience, reach the highest levels of performance, participate in hospital activities, and practice exceptional customer service. These employees set the example for their coworkers in everything they do including demonstrating the utmost compassion for their peers, patients, families, physicians, and everyone they come into contact with in their roles.
Nurse of the Year Nominees:
Dana Davis, RN
Patient Care Unit, 10 year LSSH employee
Megan Fontenot, RN
Pain Management, 1.5 year LSSH employee
Dana Harrington, RN
PreOp, 3.5 year LSSH employee
Andrea Ozene, RN
PreOp, 2 year LSSH employee
Jeffery Smith, RN
Surgery, 2 year LSSH employee
Employee of the Year Nominees:
Michael Dabney
Environmental Services, 9 year LSSH employee
Veronica Derouen
Sterilization, 10 year LSSH employee
Jayne Dronet
Reception, 3 year LSSH employee
Danielle Jackson
Pharmacy, 6 year LSSH employee
Suella Raggette
Surgery, 3 year LSSH employee